Peter went to the house of the Roman officer Cornelius and his Gentile household to share the gospel as instructed by the Lord in the vision of the unclean animals. Peter made Cornelius stand up after the officer tried to worship him and shared that coming to a Gentile house was stretching his traditional thinking but was guided by the Lord. Peter preached the gospel and those who believed in the home were filled by the Holy Spirit band began speaking in other languages and praising God. Peter baptized those who were filled with the Spirit into Christ and stayed with the family for several days!
Are you ready to get out of your comfort zone and follow the Holy Spirit today? The worst enemy of God’s leading can be our religious traditions that don’t always have Biblical backing. Traditions are not always wrong, but they are sinful if they replace the inspiration of the Bible and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Peter and John told the Jewish leaders when threatened that they were going to God rather than man. Spend time in God’s Word and listen to the still voice of the Spirit in prayer. The Lord will give you a vision in His time and in His way that will stretch your faith and bring you to new heights of fulfillment and joy if you follow in obedient faith. May God bless us as we catch His vision and follow it in step with the Spirit today, AMEN.