Because of Your unfailing love, I can enter Your house; I will worship at Your Temple with deepest awe. Psalm 5:7
We can enter God’s presence through His unfailing love revealed in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary. We are justified by faith, have peace with God, and have full access to His presence through the merits of our Savior. We must learn, however, to do more than enter God’s presence. We need to worship Him with deepest awe. Many Christians never learn to truly worship the Lord personally or corporately. Worship begins by realizing God’s holiness and our sinfulness. Once we fully realize that we are unworthy to be in God’s presence, then we see the beauty of worship through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We can come boldly to the throne of grace with confidence in Christ and filled with words of praise from the influence of the Holy Spirit. True and heart-inspired worship is spontaneous but God-breathed at the same time! May the Lord bless us as we learn to enter His presence and worship Him with our hearts filled humble praise. AMEN.