restore, sda, Solomon, wisdom

God’s Faithful Love Endures Forever

God's Faithful Love Endures Forever.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Psalm 136:1

The psalmist repeats these words of praise in every verse after recounting how the Lord is the Creator of this world and has delivered His people from the Exodus in Egypt to the conquering of the nations in Canaan. Are you giving thanks to the Lord this morning for His faithful love? Do you spend time recounting God’s acts of deliverance in your life which fills you with praise for His love and mercy? A thankful heart to the Lord is very therapeutic and great medicine to sooth the wounds from our daily trials. God is on the throne, Jesus is our High Priest, and the Holy Spirit comforts us 24/7. Spend time today thanking God for His faithful love in your life that will last forever. AMEN.

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